Friday, November 8, 2013

Technology Goals

According to Project Red ( “Schools must incorporate technology into daily teaching to realize the benefits. The daily use of technology in core classes correlates highly to the desirable education success measures (ESMs). Daily technology use is a top-five indicator of better discipline, better attendance, and increased college attendance.”
Some things that I need to learn how to do to honor this key finding is to allow students the opportunity to use technology on a daily basis.  I am fortunate enough to have a SMART Board and document camera in my classroom, along with an iPad.  We do use the SMART Board and document camera daily, however, the iPad is not utilized by each student every day.  I think that I could try to get more kids using the iPad more often.

My goals for the remainder of the year are to utilize the iPad more. I have many apps that are appropriate for what we are learning in class.  The problem is, I use the iPad for data collection during the time that I would be able to implement this goal. 

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